Amelia Leeson
Writer / Director

Amelia is the creative lead for our commercial and corporate projects. She works closely with our clients to ensure that we fully meet their business needs and is responsible for delivering our innovative and impactful materials – from films and podcasts all the way through to games and cartoon strips.

Each time we take on a new project, Amelia begins the process with in-depth research into the subject matter and target audience. Whether we’ve been tasked with creating a single asset or a full learner journey, and whether following brand guidelines or designing them, it is Amelia’s job to align the details with the bigger picture to create comprehensive and fully integrated experiences.

As a filmmaker, Amelia specialises in explainer videos that clarify complex propositions; and in emotive live action films that foreground human experiences and impacts. As an intersectional feminist, she is committed to delivering work that both represents diversity and speaks to diverse audiences, and continues to educate herself in this area.

Amelia’s entry point into Frank & Lively came via being eaten by a killer dress, in our fiction short back in 2010. Before that, she gained an English degree from Oxford University and a Foundation in filmmaking from the London College of Communication. Due to her many years as a professional writer, Amelia has also gained a deep trivia-trove that includes topics as diverse as leadership behaviours, Italian cured meats, computer architecture, cross-border logistics, and social justice theory.


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