Part of the British Film Premiere season from BBC Film and the BFI, APOSTASY aired on BBC2 on 24 October, 2020. It is reviewed in an introduction by renowned ...
Frank & Lively feature film joins new season of British film premieres coming to BBC Two in partnership with the BFI and BBC Film. BBC Two will host weekly premieres ...
As part of our female-lead four slate short film series, we're proud to celebrate EVIE's 14 intentional festival screenings, six nominations and two ...
SheSays' director warns against putting the blame of sexism squarely on the shoulders of consumers. Written by Marcie MacLellan in Campaign Magazine, in interview with Sandy ...
Frank & Lively was proud to be an inaugural sponsor of The Bad Ass Women’s Hour. This radio programme reaches women around the world and invites them to join ...
AQA is an independent education charity, and Britain’s most prominent provider of college and school-level academic qualifications. It sets and marks papers for almost half of all GCSEs and ...
We're proud to announce that our short film, produced in partnership with Shhhh Productions, as been nominated for Best Cinematography by the Underwire Film Festival. Underwire is the UK’s ...
Frank & Lively is proud to be supporting the award-winning female-empowerment network Like Minded Females. Their ‘Women in Film’ Festival is a short-film festival celebrating new and experienced female-filmmakers ...
As part of Frank & Lively’s commitment to producing four female-led films (behind and in front of the camera) in 2019, we partnered with Directors UK and Arri to ...
Our founder has been nominated for the Entrepreneur of Excellence award at the National Diversity Awards. Marcie is recognised for her work in gender diversity in the media industry, ...