Digital learning divisions expands with AQA

AQA is an independent education charity, and Britain’s most prominent provider of college and school-level academic qualifications. It sets and marks papers for almost half of all GCSEs and A-levels taken every year.

Its services form a vital part of the UK’s education system, allowing young people to embrace the next chapter in their lives. The charity caters for a range of abilities and age groups such as GCSEs, AS and A-levels, the Extended Project Qualification, the AQA Baccalaureate, Tech-levels and Technical Awards. These qualifications are internationally recognised, and their curriculums are taught in 30 countries worldwide.

Every year the AQA is obliged to update its educational partners about its progress and any changes made to its course structures.

To help it with this mammoth task, we wrote scripts for short films focused on more than twenty of its core subjects. It was important that the films were clear, concise and engaging.


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