Our feature film wins Best British Film of the Year

APOSTASY, a Frank & Lively and iFeatures Production wins Best British Film of the Year. Selected from a stand-out list of nominees that included big budget releases – such as Paddington 2, Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri and the Death of Stalin – APOSTASY was awarded top prize. In a star-studded gala, hosted in the grand Ballroom on the Southbank, our Founder and Apostasy Producer, Marcie MacLellan, was there to accept the award. We are particularly proud to have won this award as it was voted for by members of the public.
Offered a selection of the 10 best British cinema releases of 2018, Screen International’s Screen Daily’s readers took the time to vote Apostasy as their favourite. While it is a great honour to have received big awards and the highest levels of respect from representatives of the film industry, knowing that your film has reached out and won the hearts of paying audience provides a different type of satisfaction.

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