Hitting the big screens at Glastonbury

Recently, Incontext Productions was pleased to produce a short film on behalf of Jubilee Debt Campaign and its many partners, including Amnesty International. The intent of the animated short was to count down the dirtiest deals overseen by the UK’s Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) and the devastating effects these deals have had.


The objective of the campaign is to bring about a fundamental reform of the ECGD, to ensure its policies and practices are based on mandatory standards.


The aim is to minimise any negative human rights impacts arising from the ECGD’s support of UK businesses. Featuring Mark Thomas as our narrator, the film first premiered at last weekend’s Glastonbury festival. Since then, it’s been launched on partner sites including Amnesty International.


A longer version of the film, including amusing outtakes with Mark Thomas, is coming soon.


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